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Buba Jafarli | all galleries >> Georgia >> Georgia, Khevsureti - The Land of Narrow Valleys >
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)19-May-2014 09:06
Another incredible shot...BV
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE317-Jan-2014 20:40
What a great place. V
Alexander Kazakov06-Jan-2014 08:56
Very interesting stones! V
Tom LeRoy05-Jan-2014 16:02
Rugged landscape with the old stone work which is really stunning. Beautiful work! V
Fong Lam05-Jan-2014 15:50
Superb capture of those ancient stone dwellings against a beautiful landscape backdrop....V
marie-jose wolff05-Jan-2014 12:44
stone houses fit so well into the landscape! V
Dafna05-Jan-2014 07:12
Such dramatic scenery in Georgia- beautiful photo
Raymond Ma05-Jan-2014 02:02
What a beautiful locale and the stone work is amazing. V
woody3405-Jan-2014 01:29
Amazing stonework in these old buildings, a beautiful scene with those magnificent mountains...V
carabias04-Jan-2014 21:18
Bella V
bill friedlander04-Jan-2014 21:16
As old as the hills. Interesting use of stone as building material! V
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