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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2013 > Pizza-a-Day
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151213_1040368 15th December


I am running out of inspiration at the end of a long day doing odd jobs around the house.
So it has to be another Pizza-a-Day (PAD) picture...

Panasonic lumix dmc-gx7
1/60s f/5.0 at 25.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
John Barreiro27-Dec-2013 01:21
Well taken. Looks delicious. V
laine16-Dec-2013 08:39
Looks darn good...I always enjoy pizza and yours looks tasty, Bill
Sheila16-Dec-2013 06:46
It looks pretty healthy. A tempting shot.
Don Mottershead16-Dec-2013 06:00
That looks pretty inspired to me. ~V~
woody3416-Dec-2013 02:11
Hope it tastes as good as it looks.V
David Buzzeo16-Dec-2013 00:30
There is nothing wrong with having pizza for lunch or dinner, as many times as you like. Perhaps my most favourite food.
Patrick F15-Dec-2013 23:38
Not bad, when it's not everyday!!! Looks very good!!! V+++++++++
Helen Betts15-Dec-2013 21:28
Well, it certainly looks delicious! The bits sparkling on the greens is a great bonus.
Johnny JAG15-Dec-2013 20:59
Nicely topped
Linda Alstead15-Dec-2013 20:53
ha ha - I've done a few of these!
Guest 15-Dec-2013 19:38
mmmm...that looks delicious!
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