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rousselziak | all galleries >> LAURANNE >> Lauranne in Paris > Pour une danse avec moi / For a dance with me
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© Rousselziak

Pour une danse avec moi / For a dance with me

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/60s f/1.6 at 85.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nestor Derkach02-Dec-2013 17:38
Lovely monochrome portrait of this very beautiful model.
Peter Sussex01-Dec-2013 19:52
Seeing this portrait, I express my willingness for a dance, but I think all of us would do the same. Beautiful portrait work, as usual. V
Guest 01-Dec-2013 18:49
Stellar. Best. J
John Hamers01-Dec-2013 17:16
Great shot, wonderful in B&W !V
Paco López01-Dec-2013 17:06
Superb! V!
Walter Otto Koenig01-Dec-2013 16:10
Great pose. Nice work in B&W. "V"
Stephanie01-Dec-2013 13:34
Gorgeous and fun work! V
Martin Lamoon01-Dec-2013 08:55
Long Bach Nguyen01-Dec-2013 08:34
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