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Gary Hebert | all galleries >> Beauty of Alberta >> Calgary >> Calgary 2013 > Unknown Soldier - Field of Crosses
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03-NOV-2013 © Gary Hebert

Unknown Soldier - Field of Crosses

Calgary, AB

There is a park reserved along Calgary’s Memorial Drive for 3,000 white crosses
which are displayed each year on November 1st and removed November 11th, after Remembrance Day services.
Each cross is inscribed with the name, rank, regiment, date of death and age at death
of a Southern Alberta soldier killed in action.
It is estimated that more than 3,000 Southern Alberta soldiers have been killed in action.

It's the Soldier, not the Reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.
It's the Soldier, not the Poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.
It's the Soldier, not the Politician, that ensures our right to Life,
Liberty & the Security of the Person.
It's the Soldier, not the Campus Organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It's the Soldier, not the Lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It's the Soldier, not the Preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It's the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, whose coffin
is draped by the flag and who allows the protestor to burn the flag.


Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 12-50mm EZ ED MSC
1/640s f/11.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Julie Oldfield25-Nov-2013 03:00
Very moving.
Mike H.24-Nov-2013 17:16
I was very affected by this image and narrative, Gary! Thank you for presenting it.
(Am an active duty veteran myself of 30 years service -- with life on the line continually.)
LynnH05-Nov-2013 13:15
Certainly profound and powerful. V