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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> birds >> passerinnes >> sparrows_passer_vrabci >> spanish_sparrow_passer_hispaniolensis > Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis travniški vrabec_MG_9178-111.jpg
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Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis travniški vrabec_MG_9178-111.jpg

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Ton T.17-Oct-2013 19:58
So beautiful with the reflection.. V+
Maja Waiss29-Sep-2013 21:18
Great! V
Tom LeRoy24-Sep-2013 10:08
A favorite bird, this is such a nice shot! V
woody3424-Sep-2013 05:34
A sweet shot, and a great reflection...V
Stephanie23-Sep-2013 22:05
What a beautiful capture of this sparrow! Excellent reflection too! V
marko gregoric23-Sep-2013 21:04
Very nice. V
pierreratte23-Sep-2013 20:28
Well done Milan, nice compo. VV
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