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02-SEP-2013 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Lovely Trespasser

Carol had noticed a tall skinny stalk, with no leaves but what looked like a single bud on the end, growing beside an old stump in our backyard. She thought about pulling it up but decided to wait to see what would come of it. Are we ever glad she didn't pull it up! It now has a gorgeous flower (looks like a type of lily) and a couple more buds, but still no leaves! This gorgeous flower has many identities: Belladonna Lily, Naked Ladies, or Belladonna Amaryllis. See --

other sizes: small medium large original auto
parrothouse11-Sep-2013 19:00
The flower sure stands out from the background.
Judith Barnett09-Sep-2013 18:33
What a beautiful color for a lily!
paplvr07-Sep-2013 19:55
Good decision, that is stunning! Linda S
Earl Misanchuk06-Sep-2013 20:39
Exquisite. Great capture. V
Ann04-Sep-2013 11:02
Wow, stunning image Vern. *v*
Long Bach Nguyen04-Sep-2013 06:29
woody3404-Sep-2013 04:00
The colours and contrasts are perfect, a lovely shot...V
Paul Milholland04-Sep-2013 03:45
Can't ID it, but it's a beauty.
Hank Vander Velde04-Sep-2013 01:39
Beautiful colorful sharp image against a good dark bg Vern.
Being Me04-Sep-2013 00:40
it's beautiful!
Ted Aanensen03-Sep-2013 21:00
Wow, Naked ladies and a beautiful flower... Did I miss something???? Fabulous. V
Sam Rua03-Sep-2013 19:24
Nice vibrant color and contrast, Vern.
Buz Kiefer03-Sep-2013 19:08
Sure does grab attention against that dark BG. Nice color and beautiful detail. Vote.
Barry Ailetcher03-Sep-2013 17:14
WOW great image
Frank Brault03-Sep-2013 16:50
Wonderful that she did not pull it up. A very beautiful flower and fabulous image. V
John Ewing03-Sep-2013 16:39
Very delicate and quite beautiful. No idea what it is.
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS03-Sep-2013 16:35
That is a lovely trespasser!
Breland03-Sep-2013 16:09
Beautiful Vern. Great find. Love the color.
Laura Milholland03-Sep-2013 14:49
Stunning shot, Vern!
Kevin Fairburn03-Sep-2013 14:44
Beautifully captured...
Clay Swatzell 03-Sep-2013 14:31
A very lovely flower.
Walter Otto Koenig03-Sep-2013 14:27
Beautiful colors and clarity. Looks great with the dark background. "V"
Ed R 03-Sep-2013 13:57
Great color and detail (dunno the flower).
Ruth Voorhis03-Sep-2013 13:33
Clarence King03-Sep-2013 13:16
Beautiful color and detail. Don't pull it up! v
Steve Thuman03-Sep-2013 13:07
They are beautiful! Carol let's you keep Naked Ladys in your yard?
Stephanie03-Sep-2013 13:06
What a beautiful capture of this lovely flower! Love the lighting and petal details! v
Bob Moeller03-Sep-2013 13:03
Absolute beauty! Need to invite its friends. V
Jim Coffman03-Sep-2013 12:44
This is so pretty! The flower really stands out!
Jack Hoying03-Sep-2013 12:35
That's beautiful!!
EAArellano03-Sep-2013 12:33
Ed Duverger03-Sep-2013 12:22
A true beauty.
Yvonne03-Sep-2013 11:35
Wonderful shot of the lily Vern! v
Anitta03-Sep-2013 11:27
Love your floral shots. You have a great eye! V
Roger Bailey03-Sep-2013 10:44
Very nice, not seen one like this.
Bea.03-Sep-2013 09:52
This one is definitely a keeper, a welcome and beautiful newcomer to your yard.
Ken Duckert03-Sep-2013 09:43
Excellent shot of this totally awesome lily. The light from its petals is electric. You don't think this was a traveler that came in on the Japanese current?
Hernan E. Enriquez03-Sep-2013 09:27
Janice Dunn03-Sep-2013 08:00
It's a 'Naked Lady' - I have them in my garden every autumn. Amaryllis belladonna, a bulb plant from South Africa. They multiply too, so you should get a few more stems next year. In NZ we keep the bulbs in the ground all year round.
Lennart Waara03-Sep-2013 07:56
Wonderful photo with that glowing colors!
graham 03-Sep-2013 07:40
super shot Vern
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