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Alexander Kazakov | all galleries >> Russia >> Shuya > GLR_2BR5960.jpg
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04-May-2013 Alexander Kazakov


Gold Ring II

other sizes: small medium large auto
Graeme18-Feb-2019 10:34
Beautifully composed.V
Guest 25-Aug-2014 17:14
thats a good one
MarcViskens28-Aug-2013 17:04
very nice composition
joseantonio20-Aug-2013 17:04
Very nice composition. Love that round tower.V.
Guest 17-Aug-2013 23:48
Has an old west of America look. V
bill friedlander17-Aug-2013 15:11
Beautifully composed, the unpaved road transports us to the past! V
William Barletta14-Aug-2013 14:12
With the dirt road, it is a step back in time
Roy Hill13-Aug-2013 03:40
Beautiful ! V
Tom LeRoy12-Aug-2013 11:22
Very fine shot, great perspective. V
FrankB09-Aug-2013 07:38
I really like this shot...for some reason, very nostalgic...V
woody3409-Aug-2013 02:49
Great street shot with all those wonderful contrasting roof lines with the church steeple at the end...V
Stephanie08-Aug-2013 22:35
Fascinating street shot! Interesting to see that the street isn't paved. V
danad08-Aug-2013 20:14
A great mood on this deserted street. A fine composition. V.
Martin Lamoon08-Aug-2013 18:40
Excellent street scene. v
Brian Collins Art08-Aug-2013 18:05
Great shot. V
John Hamers08-Aug-2013 17:45
Beautiful shot with a great perspective !!V
Buba Jafarli08-Aug-2013 17:06
Улица выглядит почти как во времена Тургенева и Салтыкова-Щедрина... Великолепная фотография! V.
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