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Lewis Hall | all galleries >> Galleries >> USS Texas > Big Guns
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25-MAR-2011 Lewis Hall

Big Guns

The USS Texas has 10 14" Guns.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ken Zaret25-Apr-2016 02:37
10 mm at its best. Nasty! great job.
Ian Dalgliesh21-Apr-2015 20:10
I wonder how long it would take to remove the bungs,if it was necessary to fire one of those beauties ?
Jean Chiasson19-Feb-2014 01:46
Fantastic image Lewis big vote
Kim10-Feb-2014 22:42
Great image!! V
Paul Runnestø30-Dec-2013 15:36
Beautiful perspective on this - well composed.
Dave Berry05-Aug-2013 00:34
Wow, talk about dramatic! Fantastic image! V
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE321-Jul-2013 15:49
Love the POV you have used. V
Paul Bullock12-Jul-2013 01:36
I really like this shot, you can almost feel the power! Nice POV V+
Robbie D7008-Jul-2013 21:31
Very striking gallery.
The HDR works well in this gallery .
Each shot is dramatic and very punchy.
joseantonio06-Jul-2013 04:20
Great shot with this amazing POV.V