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10-JUN-2013 Peggy in NJ

Lily Buds with a Soap Sock
by Peggy in NJ


Why a Soap Sock with Dial soap in it? To keep the deer away. The deer usually eat the flower buds before the flowers even get a chance to bloom. Last year, instead of using a colorful sock like this one, I used knee-high stockings for the Dial Soap Stockings in my gardening area. Got to see the flowers bloom last year, thanks to the Dial Soap Stockings. Sorta gloomy photo because it was raining out when taking the photo today.

FujiFilm FinePix S5100 ,Built in 10 X's zoom lens,A digital camera
1/125s f/3.1 at 22.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Peggy in NJ11-Jun-2013 23:35
Learned about the Dial soap and the deer not liking same several years ago through our local garden club. The plain Dial soap, not the scented Dial soap... Used it when container growing vegetables too. Kept the deer away from my tomatoes as well as the flowers.
Laura Milholland11-Jun-2013 17:17
I never knew Dial soap could keep deer away! Nice shot and interesting info.
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