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bill friedlander27-Jun-2013 23:16
Great find of this cute tricycle! Love the colors! V
Kim18-Jun-2013 08:27
Great moody image! V
vj400012-Jun-2013 23:33
beautiful shot !
Simon Chandler12-Jun-2013 16:43
Effective composition to showcase the main subject. v
Tom LeRoy07-Jun-2013 16:25
Great colors and effective scene, just waiting fot a young child to drive it away! V
Marcia Colelli07-Jun-2013 14:18
Nice composition of this child's means of transportation V
Nestor Derkach07-Jun-2013 12:27
A great mode of transportation for a youngster and a good looking four wheeler as well.
Fong Lam07-Jun-2013 07:02
A delightful its captivating simplicity...V
J S Quesada06-Jun-2013 21:48
Great find! Simple and effective composition. V
Helen Betts06-Jun-2013 21:30
I love the splash of color and whimsy in the subdued color of the courtyard. V.
Colin Storey06-Jun-2013 19:59
Great colourful image. v
joseantonio06-Jun-2013 19:41
Someone has spent great moments on that cicle.V.