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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Castles, Palaces, Fortresses, and Ruins > Reichsburg Cochem
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24-Apr-2013 T.A.LeRoy

Reichsburg Cochem

Cochem, Germany

A synopsis of the history you'll find in the below link:

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75mm F1.8
1/3s f/5.6 at 75.0mm iso1600 beanbag full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
blizzard24-Sep-2016 13:12
very impressive camera work v
Mikek29-Aug-2013 13:44
Lovely night shot, Tom. V
Jean D22-Jun-2013 02:26
Awesome view and breathtaking night magic, Tom.. ~V
globalgadabout06-Jun-2013 14:29
charming and instant classic...V
Patrick Goossens05-Jun-2013 19:22
A magnificent night shot Tom!
ac04-Jun-2013 14:59
Great room view. Well chosen Tom !
Zoltán Balogh03-Jun-2013 20:07
Oh, gorgeous photograph of the castle! V
Gill Kopy03-Jun-2013 05:54
Oh ! this is stunning - very well done. So, you stayed up to 1 a.m. to check the lights ! V
Bryan Murahashi03-Jun-2013 05:14
Wonderful night scene of this fairy tale castle. Very nicely photographed, Tom. V
Dennis Hoyne03-Jun-2013 02:40
Beautiful in the night! Wonderful view to go to sleep with.
Hank Vander Velde03-Jun-2013 02:00
A SUPER night-time image Tom.
LynnH03-Jun-2013 01:28
Magical in this light. V
Jean Chiasson03-Jun-2013 00:55
Fantastic night shot Tom big vote
Frank Brault03-Jun-2013 00:11
What a fantastic view and wonderful image. V
godro03-Jun-2013 00:08
Nice work!
Graeme02-Jun-2013 22:19
A fabulous view of this castle at night, Tom.V
Ika Zinka Eferl02-Jun-2013 21:22
A beautiful composition with a magnificent glow,Tom!*V*
Karen Stuebing02-Jun-2013 20:52
It looks magical lit up in the dark, night surroundings. Beautiful image. V.
Simon Chandler02-Jun-2013 20:46
Beautiful night shot. Just perfect! v
Helen Betts02-Jun-2013 20:44
Like a magic castle! Excellent night shot; the light is outstanding. V.
Colin Storey02-Jun-2013 19:59
Fantastic night shot of the castle. v
Bill Miller02-Jun-2013 19:20
Perfect, they lit the castle just so you could take this picture...
Ceya02-Jun-2013 18:58
Amazing night scene, Tom! Agree with Anitta, looks like a fairy tale castle! V
Peterfree02-Jun-2013 16:39
Excellent night shot. Very well done. V
Guest 02-Jun-2013 15:53
superb photo
a splendid light on this castle/town (?)
Carol Rollins02-Jun-2013 15:29
Fabulous night shot, Tom. What a beautiful view.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Jun-2013 15:13
Wonderful capture! V
janescottcumming02-Jun-2013 14:30
I think I am dreaming and seeing this beautiful fairy tale castle in my sleep. V
Peggy W02-Jun-2013 13:56
Fabulous! It looks like a castle from a fairy tale.
Guest 02-Jun-2013 13:29
Beautiful. Best. J
Jim Coffman02-Jun-2013 13:22
This is so nice! Well done,Tom!
Neil Marcus02-Jun-2013 12:45
That view and photo was worth the night in the hotel.
Kevin Warren02-Jun-2013 12:02
Gorgeous nighttime shot! Better than television in bed. ;)
joseantonio02-Jun-2013 10:40
Really you a room with amillions dollars view.V.
Stephanie02-Jun-2013 10:31
What a beautiful capture of this castle! BV
Kim02-Jun-2013 09:36
Marvelous night shot!! BV
Yvonne02-Jun-2013 08:45
Gorgeous night shot Tom! How lucky were you then... v
Pieter Bos02-Jun-2013 08:02
Beautiful night shot, Tom! ~V
Karin Doeling02-Jun-2013 07:40
Tolle Nachtaufnahme! V
Long Bach Nguyen02-Jun-2013 07:39
stunning lighting and compo
Blandine Mangin02-Jun-2013 07:23
superb night shoot ! v
XiaoBernard9902-Jun-2013 07:15
magnifique !perfect night shoot
Anitta02-Jun-2013 07:11
Like from a fairy tale. Great photography! V
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