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Janice Dunn | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kiwiana and all things NZ > AOTEAROA - New Zealand
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17-MAR-2007 Janice Dunn

AOTEAROA - New Zealand

Auckland City

Aotearoa or 'Land of the long white cloud' was the name given by the legendary navigator Kupe to the islands ahead of him and his companions following their journey across the Pacific around the 10th century AD. As they sailed closer, the clouds that gathered over Aotearoa stretched left and right as far as the eye could see.

New Zealand is still known to Maori as Aotearoa and indeed many New Zealanders prefer to refer to the land as Aotearoa New Zealand.

Canon EOS 30D
1/30s f/5.6 at 160.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sue Anne Rush31-May-2021 01:04
Excellent. V
Jola Dziubinska13-Feb-2015 21:52
Aotearoa sounds great for me. Superb logo. V.
woody3416-May-2014 05:33
That's a great logo,. hate it though when you beat us at football..:)
MarcViskens06-Apr-2014 09:14
very nice logo
janescottcumming04-Aug-2013 12:04
This is a wonderful logo. I love the boldness yet simplicity of it. V
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