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My Weekend Break

I’ve often heard the humans I live with speak of taking a weekend break, but I never really knew what it meant. The only breaks I saw around this house since I arrived here were a few broken plates and glasses on the tiled kitchen floor.
This weekend however, I learned what a weekend break was. Máire and the Boss were invited to Galway for the weekend, and they didn’t want to leave me home alone. I gathered from their conversation that it might be presumptuous to bring a canine friend to their human friends’ home, so they arranged for me to stay in a fine dog hotel, run by a very kind man called Brian.
I was given my own room with a bed, and brought with me my favourite exercise aids. On our arrival there Brian introduced to me to Susie, who was a very friendly dog indeed, and we enjoyed meeting one another. I also got to know a young black dog, Krishka, who is just two months older than me.
Brian has a fine “living room” in his dog hotel, complete with couches, dog baskets, and other paraphernalia to make us feel at home. Just beside my room there was a lovely picture on the wall of a handsome black and white dog. I heard Brian tell Máire that it was a picture of his first dog, who lived with him for eighteen years.
After a very relaxing 24 hours there, Máire and the Boss returned to collect me, and we started the long journey back to Dublin. I had no trouble falling asleep as the car cruised along the motorway, but when we arrived back in the bumpy streets of Dublin I fear that my tummy started to rumble a bit. I think I might be a nervous traveller…. but I did enjoy my weekend break.

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Frank Brault24-Jun-2013 02:28
Berna, you are one lucky dog! A terrific collage of photos! V
Tom LeRoy02-Jun-2013 17:35
Berna, Máire and the Boss really take care of you well and glad you enjoyed your break in this luxury hotel. Enjoyed the story and the creative collage very much! V
Frank Brault23-May-2013 02:57
Berna, it looks as if you were put up in a 5 star hotel. You are very lucky to have Máire and the Boss looking after you. A lovely assemblage of photos that help tell the story. V
Sheena Woodhead21-May-2013 17:36
That looks a very nice doggy hotel Berna....glad you enjoyed your stay there.
larose forest photos21-May-2013 00:53
Ah, a dog's life! A terrific collage, very creatively assembled. V
Faye White20-May-2013 18:02