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14-MAY-2013 © Ron Asp

_DSC1570pb.jpg"Red-Necked Grebe"

By The Lake Park Wetaskiwin Alberta

The Red-necked Grebe breeds on small inland lakes in Canada and Alaska, and winters along both coasts of North America. Boldly marked, vocal, and aggressive during the breeding season, it is quiet and subtly attired in winter.
Both Sexes

16.9–22 in
43–56 cm
24–34.6 in
61–88 cm
28.2–56.4 oz
800–1600 g

Cool Facts

Like other grebes, the Red-necked Grebe ingests large quantities of its own feathers. Feathers remain in the bird's stomach. The function of feathers in the stomach is unknown. One hypothesis suggests that the feathers help protect the lower digestive tract from bones and other hard, indigestible material.
The Red-necked Grebe also feeds its feathers to its young.
The Red-necked Grebe migrates over land strictly at night. It sometimes migrates over water or along coasts by day, in large flocks.

Breeds on shallow freshwater lakes, bays of larger lakes, marshes, and other inland bodies of water. Winters on open ocean or on large lakes.
Nesting Facts

Clutch Size
1–9 eggs
Egg Description
Light blue.
Condition at Hatching
Downy and active; chicks immediately climb onto parent's back, where they spend most of their time until they are 10 to 17 days old.

Nest Description

Floating mound of plant matter with a depression in the middle; bulk of nest is below water line. Nest is placed on aquatic vegetation, sometimes in open water, and anchored to the lake bottom or submerged logs.
Pair bond is developed and maintained through highly complex, ritualized courtship displays, including parallel rushes in upright positions and mutual presentation of green weeds.Pairs defend their territories with various threat displays, including spreading of wings, hunching, raising heads, or thrusting bills forward.Dives under water for food. Locates prey by sight. Captures prey by grasping with bill.
Info. Courtesy Of "Cornell Lab of Ornithology"

Nikon D800 ,Nikon’s 200-400mm f4 G VR AF-S IF ED Zoom Lens.
1/640s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 31-May-2013 04:36
superb picture ..
Buba Jafarli22-May-2013 09:16
Superb processing! And the lighting is brilliant too! V.
Sheryl Chacon20-May-2013 16:33