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09-MAY-2013 D. Liddicoat

May 9

Nikon D50
1/100s f/5.0 at 48.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Paul Milholland11-May-2013 22:11
Better than seeing him with an arm in a sling. ;-)
Judith Barnett10-May-2013 23:26
Not the best place for a tear but I do like the texture and clarity of this photo!
Ed Duverger10-May-2013 09:35
Things happen...Job for mom?
Laura Milholland10-May-2013 05:58
Ah, yes. Always sad when a good pair bites the dust! Well shot! My condolences to your son. ;)
fotabug10-May-2013 05:01
Wonderful light on the subject, embarrassing rip
Ruth Voorhis10-May-2013 03:25
Neat shot.:)
Barry Ailetcher10-May-2013 00:30
been there done that many times not working out but riding
Guest 10-May-2013 00:05
Not the sad news I was Great shot-Claudia
Guest 09-May-2013 23:50
Well done! Kim Roney
graham 09-May-2013 23:45
nice shot I like the denim look
Guest 09-May-2013 23:37
good capture