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Kenneth Christian | all galleries >> Europe 2012 >> Corfu, Greece > Mouse Island from the Hilltops of Kanoni
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23-OCT-2012 Kenneth Christian

Mouse Island from the Hilltops of Kanoni

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A number of movies have been filmed in Corfu, including the 1981 James Bond film, For Your Eyes Only. The most memorable scene of the film shot on the island was of the underwater ancient Greek temple, with a huge turtle swimming in front of the camera. A casino scene was also filmed at the Achilleion. Other scenes filmed here include those tracing Melina and James' walk through the city's streets, and Melina being greeted by Bond at Pontikonisi island. A scene in the film depicting a Greek wedding was shot at the Bouas-Danilia traditional village. Action scenes were also shot at Neo Frourio. -- Wikipedia

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Kenneth Christian08-May-2013 00:37
Thanks, John! Appreciate your comment.
Guest 07-May-2013 19:39
Lovely image. Best J