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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Local Birds/Animals > Rusty Blackbird .jpg
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Rusty Blackbird .jpg

Canon EOS 1D
1/800s f/5.6 at 800.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Yaki Zander.13-May-2013 14:56
Wonderful shot!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)12-May-2013 14:57
Excellent exposure Peter, great setting and very clear eye....
Jocelyne Feizo11-May-2013 13:36
Beautiful details in the blacks, well done Peter!
Robert Houde11-May-2013 02:36
Excellent shoot Peter. Beautiful détails.
Tom Munson10-May-2013 15:50
Terrific image Peter, great job exposing the blacks!
Simon Chandler09-May-2013 18:41
Excellent capture with a great 3D look. v
hge5409-May-2013 05:19
Tack sharp and great detail in the dark feathers.V
Stephen Buckingham09-May-2013 03:19
Great detail of this fine species.
Nestor Derkach08-May-2013 13:40
A beauty Peter, exceptional in detail , in a nice surrounding.
Frame nicely.
CM Kwan08-May-2013 12:39
Love the amazing detail, Peter. V
godro07-May-2013 22:23
Excellent detail in this capture , very nice work!
Guest 07-May-2013 22:05
Super image and nicely exposed for nice detail of this subject...
francoisconstantin07-May-2013 20:13
Great exposure for having these details.
Al Chesworth07-May-2013 19:05
What a beauty, a fine shot Peter.
Tom Munson07-May-2013 15:52
Beautiful image, Peter! A rare bird in our area.
jychamberland07-May-2013 14:26
very nice shot and colors!
Fong Lam07-May-2013 13:51
Superb clarity and pose....V
Gary Hebert07-May-2013 03:59
excellent work on the songbird Peter...:)
Bryan Murahashi07-May-2013 03:53
Beautiful exposure and touch of iridescent colors.
Sonja Ross07-May-2013 03:48
Well captured. Is it an unusual to see a blackbird in water like this?
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik07-May-2013 03:35
Fine shot Peter! Always nice to see this species!
Jim Coffman07-May-2013 03:01
Excellent detail in this capture. Very well done,Peter...
Jay Levin07-May-2013 02:03
Terrific pose and capture, Peter. You Canadians are lucky to see these.
Hank Vander Velde07-May-2013 01:17
Beautiful sharp and well exposed image Peter.
Ann Sherba07-May-2013 00:59
Thats a beautiful shot of the Rusty Blackbird! I haven't seen any here yet.
Yi Feng07-May-2013 00:33
Great detail in black, Peter!
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