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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Castles, Palaces, Fortresses, and Ruins >
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25-Apr-2013 T.A.LeRoy

Cochem, Germany

A synopsis of the history you'll find in the below link:

SIGMA DP3 Merrill
1/200s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bobby M14-Jun-2013 00:30
Fairytale scene beautifully composed and captured.V
Walter Otto Koenig02-Jun-2013 15:40
Great vista of the castle and town. Nice details and lighting. "V"
samikosemi31-May-2013 04:16
So beautiful ...
Sami ~ v
Esa Ervasti25-May-2013 19:37
Knockout composition! Outstanding photography Tom. Your Merrill really rocks in details!
Michael Tauber25-May-2013 18:56
Impressive and picturesque landscape photo.
Range View 25-May-2013 07:35
Spectacular image of this beautiful town and castle Tom. BV.
Frank Brault29-Apr-2013 23:22
A magnificent image. I love the composition and the way the castle dominates all beneath it! Fantastic! V
Bryan Murahashi29-Apr-2013 04:52
Wonderful capture of this beautiful hill top castle. V
We visited this castle during our bike ride along the Mosel.
Gill Kopy29-Apr-2013 04:20
Looks like a fairy castle - lovely how the light captures it and the little town V
bill friedlander29-Apr-2013 01:17
Perfectly composed with the castle on the hill and the town below! V
Jean Chiasson29-Apr-2013 00:02
Wow fantastic image Tom big vote
woody3428-Apr-2013 23:45
An incredible scene, straight out of a travelogue...beautiful image...V
Karen Stuebing28-Apr-2013 21:30
Charming mix of colorful houses with the castle on the hill. Beautiful scene. V.
Ika Zinka Eferl28-Apr-2013 20:11
A fantastic wide angle capture! Interesting and beautiful!V
jychamberland28-Apr-2013 19:38
Wow! what a beautiful scene and castle! i always dream to buy a castle :-)
Peter Sussex28-Apr-2013 19:18
What a place, what a shot!!! Mesmerizing! Big V
Colin Storey28-Apr-2013 18:47
Superb image of this great looking castle. v
Sam Rua28-Apr-2013 18:31
Nicely captured, Tom. Love your vantage point and this great comp.
Johnny JAG28-Apr-2013 17:01
Great composition
Irene Wehrli28-Apr-2013 16:53
Fairytale castle that sits majestically on the hill, overlooking the lovely colorful houses!
Wonderful composition Tom!
Fong Lam28-Apr-2013 16:32
An outstanding shot of this magnificent castle and charming houses at the foot of the hill....well done! V
Blandine Mangin28-Apr-2013 16:24
very beautiful view ! v
Marcia Colelli28-Apr-2013 15:39
Very beautiful castle. Nice view and composition V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Apr-2013 14:58
A superb image of this famous town and castle. Wonderful clarity and detail. Looks great in original. "V"
Tom Beech28-Apr-2013 14:52
Love it, nice work Tom...
Carol Rollins28-Apr-2013 14:38
Love this view! Excellent shot, Tom.
Neil Marcus28-Apr-2013 14:31
This scene is a "WOW". A fairy book scene. great shot in showing the town and the contrasting castle.
Zoltán Balogh28-Apr-2013 13:01
Wow Tom...this place is absolutely wonderful! And so is your photograph! V
Jim Coffman28-Apr-2013 12:36
Great capture,Tom! Can't imagine what it would cost to build that today! :)
Mairéad28-Apr-2013 12:13
A very well composed scene - love those brightly coloured houses below the castle. V
Yvonne28-Apr-2013 11:16
A magnificent composition, beautiful image Tom! v
Hank Vander Velde28-Apr-2013 11:15
A beautiful well composed image Tom.
Guest 28-Apr-2013 11:09
Beautiful story land presentation.. Well done Tom. V
Pierre28-Apr-2013 10:56
Une prise de vue absolument splendide, une composition très réussie! V
Graeme28-Apr-2013 10:19
That castle is imposing looking over the town. I like the fine details of the buildings and their pastel shades, Tom.V
John Reynolds LRPS28-Apr-2013 09:40
A wonderful view. V.
marie-jose wolff28-Apr-2013 09:31
great capture of this old castle, I love the colorful buildings in foreground! V
Helen Betts28-Apr-2013 08:51
What a lovely scene and composition! Love the light on and color of the buildings as well. V.
ac28-Apr-2013 08:26
Beautiful landscape !
Gerard Koehl28-Apr-2013 08:02
Magnifique vue sur ce beau château. V
joseantonio28-Apr-2013 07:49
Wow, this castle is amazing and also the setting.Great composition for this image.V
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