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Oxford. Magdalen College seen from Christ Church College

Regarded as one of the most beautiful of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges, Magdalen is also one of the most visited. It stands next to the River Cherwell and has within its grounds a deer park and Addison's Walk. Magdalen College School also lies nearby. The large, square Magdalen Tower is a famous Oxford landmark, and it is a tradition since the days of Henry VII that the college choir sings from the top of it at 6 a.m. on May Morning. The college's current president, Professor David Clary FRS, was earlier a Fellow and Senior Tutor at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

1/250s f/4.9 at 18.6mm iso80 full exif

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Gerard Koehl21-Apr-2013 17:04
Superbe endroit. V
Carol Rollins21-Apr-2013 16:44
Wonderful composition and mood.
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