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Shayne | all galleries >> old_images >> P.E.N.A.T. >> old_images >> patchlight > Patchlight
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Canon PowerShot G15
1/15s f/8.0 at 7.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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janescottcumming29-Aug-2013 13:36
Such incredible colors! V
Mindy McNaugher27-Apr-2013 21:53
Stunning!!! Vote
s_barbour09-Mar-2013 22:48
Spectacular image Shayne, the colour is sensational! V
Cindi Smith09-Mar-2013 15:21
Splendid sky! Oh my...big vote!
Neal Nye09-Mar-2013 11:59
What a glorious sky. Combined with the monster in the foreground, it suggests fire and energy. Beautifully captured!
Sheila08-Mar-2013 23:31
Awesome shot!
Guest 08-Mar-2013 13:30
Beautiful capture Shayne. What gorgeous color. V