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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spain 2012 > Carole at the 'Bar Tokio'
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26.5.12 Chris Spracklen

Carole at the 'Bar Tokio'


GREAT NEWS!!! (x2)

1. Carole has been given the 'all-clear' following her recent bone-marrow biopsy, and…

2. We are to be first-time grandparents in August, courtesy of our son and daughter-in-law in Canada!
(And we are planning to visit them in September. It's so exciting!)

Thank you so much for all your prayers and messages of support! They have been hugely appreciated!

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laine13-Nov-2013 13:40
A very special time...remission being the word we love to hear.....
Tom LeRoy12-Mar-2013 18:39
Double good news! So happy for you both, Chris. V
Frank Brault10-Mar-2013 23:35
A superb portrait. Fantastic double news! V
Jean D09-Mar-2013 02:56
Very nice to her that Carole is doing well. Excellent portrait of her, Chris..,
Simon Chandler09-Mar-2013 02:20
A cheerful and uplifting portrait of Carole. v
I am very glad to hear the good news. Congrats.
Paul L-R07-Mar-2013 02:08
Fantastic news for you and Carole and my best wishes for both of you.
Martin Lamoon06-Mar-2013 19:55
Wonderful portrait and news. v
Fong Lam06-Mar-2013 12:24
That wonderful smile says it happy for all the good news, Chris!
CM Kwan06-Mar-2013 12:12
Congratulations, Chris!
Ken Chambers ARPS06-Mar-2013 03:41
Wonderful news Chris.. I have added a Prayer of Thanks to yours.
Hank Vander Velde05-Mar-2013 13:34
GOOD news and congratulations , both with Carole's good news and with the expected grandchild Chris.
mart senior05-Mar-2013 10:13
glad to hear the great news... that smile would light up any room. lovely
Dan Greenberg05-Mar-2013 05:14
I am so happy for you both. Congratulations!!
Don Mottershead05-Mar-2013 04:23
Congratulations x 2!
Toney Smith05-Mar-2013 04:11
A big whole heart'd Congratulations on all fronts Chris!
Barry S Moore05-Mar-2013 00:39
Wonderful news, and the smile says it all.
Konrad Busslinger05-Mar-2013 00:17
It must be a wonderful day to have double great news indeed! Our best wishes!
Helen Betts04-Mar-2013 21:06
What a beautiful portrait of Carole, and such very good news on all fronts!
Guest 04-Mar-2013 20:38
Such wonderful news. Carole looks beautiful, in the best of health. So happy for you two.
godro04-Mar-2013 20:32
Nice smile and work!
Colin Storey04-Mar-2013 20:19
Great news all around Chris, wonderful portrait of Carole, congratulations to all of you.
Guest 04-Mar-2013 19:33
She has much to smile about...
Nice image...
Jess. ( Lady.D.)04-Mar-2013 19:30
Great news Chris, wonderful things to look forward to.
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)04-Mar-2013 19:17
Chris, this is fantastic news about Carole. I know that it has been rough on you. May the two of you have many more years, enjoying each other. Great news that you will be grand parents.. 2013 is your guy's year. V.
Graeme04-Mar-2013 19:15
This is wonderful news Chris! I am so pleased that Carole is doing great and you will soon be grandparents!!! A lovely portrait of Carole too...BV
John Reynolds LRPS04-Mar-2013 17:09
Great news, Chris. Best wishes to you and Carol.
Stephanie04-Mar-2013 16:52
What wonderful news Chris!!! Carol looks so happy too! BV+++ :))
Nestor Derkach04-Mar-2013 16:08
I am thrilled by the new of Carols all clear.
Congratulations on becoming grand parents .
A survivor with a million dollar smile.
V for victory and vote,
Walter Otto Koenig04-Mar-2013 15:59
A happy portrait Chris. Wonderful news for you. I am very happy for you and Carole!
Ika Zinka Eferl04-Mar-2013 15:59
Excellent portrait work.V
Mike H.04-Mar-2013 15:47
Wonderful portrait, smile, and news!!! Bless her heart, she's been through so much.
Best wishes for the future with health and grandchildren...
globalgadabout04-Mar-2013 15:39
plenty to celebrate here...congratulations on all counts...
pkocinski04-Mar-2013 15:36
Fabulous news on both counts :-)
fotabug04-Mar-2013 14:30
Best to both of you!
Jim Coffman04-Mar-2013 14:16
Absolutely great news!!! I am so happy for both of you!!!
Gary Hebert04-Mar-2013 14:15
Go Canada Go..:)
congrats to both of you and have a wonderful trip and Sept is a great time for pics..:)
dane04-Mar-2013 14:13
excellent news indeed.
larose forest photos04-Mar-2013 14:05
Double good news! So happy for you both. Lovely portrait.
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