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Danad | all galleries >> Galleries >> BURMA : The Shan's Golden Land. > Worrying. Kalaw Station.
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Worrying. Kalaw Station.

... Maybe because she is inside an extremely low train. The distance between Kalaw and Inle Lake is about 63 km. and will take approximatively 5 hours. The Burmese use to call their trains "Mr Late."

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/4.5 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wilfred Seefeld04-Apr-2013 02:36
Remarkable framing of this very intense portrait! V
A.Arif01-Mar-2013 09:26
excllent V
Helen Betts26-Feb-2013 23:21
A very thoughtful portrait, beautifully captured. Composition is excellent with the view through the back window. V.
J S Quesada26-Feb-2013 22:46
Fabulous portrait. Love the expression of this woman looking in the distance, and particularly from a train. Very thought provoking image. V
John Hamers26-Feb-2013 22:41
Great candid portrait of this woman in a pensive mood !!V
Guest 26-Feb-2013 20:49
Long image to ponder, excellent subject treatment.
Anitta26-Feb-2013 20:23
Very fine portrait. What might she be thinking? Who knows! A touching image. *V*
Simon Chandler26-Feb-2013 19:42
Excellent candid portrait. Excellent composition with good sense of place. v
Peter Sussex26-Feb-2013 19:11
Fine and unusual portrait, like the see through composition as well. V
Stephanie26-Feb-2013 16:43
Marvelous capture Danad Love the portrait and view through the train window! V
Walter Otto Koenig26-Feb-2013 16:18
A very expressive portrait of this thoughtful woman. I like the view through the train. "V"
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