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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Africa Revisited > HorseWavecrest2.jpg
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Olympus C-730UZ
1/1000s f/4.0 iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marisa Livet02-Sep-2021 06:49
What a wonderful photo, Gill! It depended on me, I'd choose you for the first place in this thematic contest, without needing to see any other photos, even if certainly beautiful and taken by excellent photographers. Here, in this photo of yours there is everything, art, poetry, technical ability, creativity ...
Ken Zaret13-Aug-2018 00:28
Nice shot Gill. I like the muted light.
bill friedlander25-Feb-2013 17:51
Excellent composition and perfect example of the rule of thirds! Lovely tones and mood! V
joseantonio25-Feb-2013 17:38
Lovely image. Love that light and composition.v.
Neil Marcus25-Feb-2013 13:39
Wow! This is so beautiful. The composition and the similar tones of the horse and the land.
Alain Boussac25-Feb-2013 09:44
Wonderful image of animal beauty in an infinite solitude. BV.
Fong Lam25-Feb-2013 08:14
A beautiful shot of this very lonely horse in a vast landscape and what a sky! V
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