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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oxford > Bodleian Library
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Photomatix Pro 4.2 HDR

Bodleian Library

Oxford City, Oxfordshire

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Spracklen09-Mar-2013 21:44
Outstanding in every sense, Graeme! VV
Char22-Feb-2013 23:53
A truely amazing scene, Graeme! Wonderful shot!! \/
Steve Morris22-Feb-2013 09:41
This is so well composed and I love the contrast between the colour in the buildings and the monotone sky!BV
Fabienne20-Feb-2013 22:05
Ce bâtiment est magnifique et fantastiquement mis en valeur par le post-traitement.
Martin Lamoon19-Feb-2013 20:35
Great picture Graeme, you made it stand out so well. v
Dan Greenberg19-Feb-2013 19:00
This has a really delightful, other worldly effect. Love the perfect vertical alignment of the buildings and the colorful people that make seem like an architectural rendering. ~BV~
Colin Storey19-Feb-2013 17:57
Great image with superb colours, light and tones. v
lucanton19-Feb-2013 16:54
Magnifique composition ...V
Blandine Mangin19-Feb-2013 10:37
superb ! v
Patrick Goossens19-Feb-2013 09:22
Love the compo!
Bryan Murahashi19-Feb-2013 05:10
Fabulous image and scenery. V
SLC_Images19-Feb-2013 05:04
Another nice scene and setting capture!! VT!
Stephanie19-Feb-2013 01:26
How pretty! This is a surreal image! V
woody3418-Feb-2013 22:50
Love the golden glow and the vibrancy of the other colours...lovely clear imagery...V
Mike H.18-Feb-2013 21:28
This scene responds well to your sunny-golden light and amp-ed details;
nice work, Graeme!
Helen Betts18-Feb-2013 21:24
An excellent POV for this beautiful building. I love all the brilliant yellow, even on the street. V.
Frank Kavanagh Photography18-Feb-2013 20:51
Beautiful work Graeme, love the treatment..V.
Marcia Colelli18-Feb-2013 19:40
Beautiful scene and image. Nice colors and composition V
Buz Kiefer18-Feb-2013 19:35
Really lovely in the golden light. Vote.
Bill Klein18-Feb-2013 19:19
Outstanding image, Graeme! V!
Jim Coffman18-Feb-2013 19:11
You do simply amazing work,Graeme!!!
joseantonio18-Feb-2013 19:10
What a beautiful image. Very nice POV and impressive light.V
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