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Vickie Tseng | all galleries >> Healthy Meal >> Vegetarianism > Fruit Tea
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30-JAN-2013 Vickie Tseng

Fruit Tea

Aunt Stella's Sogo Fuxing

Lemon, Apple, Strawberry, Mint and Green Tea

Apple iPhone
1/20s f/2.4 at 4.1mm iso64 full exif

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)15-Sep-2013 11:12
Amazing work,voted.
Stephanie31-Jan-2013 12:23
This looks delicious and inviting! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal31-Jan-2013 12:20
Fantastic image colors and details!! V
Ken Chambers ARPS31-Jan-2013 11:17
No question about it being freshly made.
Graeme31-Jan-2013 10:39
Looks delicious bet it tastes as good as well, Vickie.BV
Martin Lamoon31-Jan-2013 09:21
That glass cup looks so clean..\V
Blandine Mangin31-Jan-2013 08:28
very lovely ! v
Fong Lam31-Jan-2013 07:45
Never tasted this tea before but I trust your excellent taste, Vickie....V
Mike H.31-Jan-2013 06:28
I'll bet this is good too --
not just an elegant image !
joseantonio31-Jan-2013 05:02
Had never seen this type of tea before...V