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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Photo-per-Day >> Jan - Feb 2013 > Jan21.jpg
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bridge to.....

The Deception Pass Bridge is more that 200 feet (60M) above the water and it can be a bit daunting driving onto it on a foggy morning.

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peterschmidt25-Feb-2013 06:07
In this state, it can be the bridge to anywhere.....
Don Mottershead22-Feb-2013 05:54
Cool shot. I bicycled across this bridge 10 years ago, but it was a glorious sunny day.
Markus Grompe30-Jan-2013 05:15
that bridge definitely is your favorite subject...
fotabug22-Jan-2013 11:31
The very same weather we have had for more than a week. Ours has been a freezing fog every morning
clark langley22-Jan-2013 05:43
great shot!
Bryan Murahashi22-Jan-2013 05:25
Fabulous capture of this very foggy scene. V
SRW22-Jan-2013 05:06
The Talking Heads song 'Road to Nowhere' comes to mind.... Great shot; great treatment.... (Wouldn't want to drive across it, though...!)
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