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Kerry & Nancy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Handmade Greeting Cards > Spring Flowers Challenge OWH
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Spring Flowers Challenge OWH

This is a stamp called “Floral Arrangement” by

This was heat embossed in silver,colored with
water color pens and then coated with transparent
Pearl Pen. I made it as a recessed image. The green
and red are raised with foam strips.
I used a Cheery Lynn die for the butterfly
and embossed the red and green with a Cuttlebug folder.

Canon PowerShot S5 IS
1/1600s f/4.5 at 12.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 03-Jan-2013 13:33
Very pretty card.
Guest 03-Jan-2013 12:49
WoW! Totally love the embossing and textures!
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net
Guest 03-Jan-2013 06:59
Love the embossing and coloring. The color combo is gorgeous!
Guest 03-Jan-2013 03:31
Pretty card! I like the embossing on the floral image a lot!