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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Transportation > 2012 - Holguin, Cuba - Vintage Car (Infrared)
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John de Freitas

2012 - Holguin, Cuba - Vintage Car (Infrared)

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PBase Show & Tell Competition Winning Photographs




other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wintermeer19-Jul-2016 01:20
Wow, great to see that it is well taken care of! thanks for sharing this beauty with us! ~V~
Algis Kemezys01-Aug-2015 03:12
Julie Oldfield22-May-2015 02:07
Wonderful image. Beautiful tones. V
MarcViskens27-Dec-2014 18:55
excellent work
jlm21-Nov-2014 19:52
Dan Greenberg14-Aug-2014 03:28
Beautiful car and beautiful B&W presentation. ~BV~
fotabug14-May-2014 04:06
Wonderful old car! Would love to have it! :)
Wintermeer11-May-2014 22:22
Excellent image! And the old car just makes me dream!
John Barreiro15-Jun-2013 19:55
Seeing this is original size explains your first place finish. Congratulations. Excellent image! V
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