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Pedro Liborio


Living in S. Martinho do Porto, he and his family visited us in Lisbao.

Later he gave us a tour of some of the sites in his area that included some wonderful Roman ruins that had a very large baths. We then spent a night in his home with his family. It turns out that he is also a very good cook!

Fujifil X-E1

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Ken Chambers ARPS08-May-2014 19:32
Great shot of Pedro.
PauloCGama23-Nov-2013 02:11
Ah, great.
Pedro Libório01-Jan-2013 16:04
hello my friend,
it was really a pleasure to meet you both and enjoy your wonderful company!!!
I do hope we will do it again, as soon as possible :) ... there are still to many beautiful places around us that i did not had the chance to show you :)
Big Hug from our family to you both, wishes of all the best!!!! Have fun!!!

P.S. my cooking is very basic, but we have always Helena coordination :)