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29-APR-2012 Karen Stuebing

Stray Cat

West Virginia

submitted for the Weekly Informal Challenge, "Best of 2012."

Other entries can be seen here.

This is one of my favorite photos from last year. This was a stray cat I fed. He wouldn't let me close to him and it took a long time to even get a photo. He was wary but getting used to me. Then one day he disappeared never to return.

It reminds me of The Little Prince.

"What does that mean--'tame'?"
"You do not live here," said the fox. "What is it that you are looking for?"
"I am looking for men," said the little prince. "What does that mean--'tame'?"
"Men," said the fox. "They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?"
"No," said the little prince. "I am looking for friends. What does that mean--'tame'?"
"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. "It means to establish ties."

With our cameras, we establish ties.

"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."

Mamiya RB67 ,Mamiya Sekor 90mm, f4.5,Kodak TMAX 400
1/125s f/8.0 iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cindi Smith02-Jan-2013 18:25
He was a lovely cat. Glad you got this pic...perfect in B&W!
Stephanie02-Jan-2013 13:32
Awwwww ~ what a charming little kitty and beautiful capture of him! V
Too bad he didn't return. Hopefully he found another loving home.
Mairéad01-Jan-2013 15:45
What a sweet puss Glad he found love in your home for a while.
Thomas Spurr01-Jan-2013 15:14
Looks like my Cat....
LynnH31-Dec-2012 17:17
Sad, strays often don't last long. He had bad luck because he couldn't trust. We all have to trust when we are down and out. It's it the only hope. Love the photo and story. BV
J. Scott Coile31-Dec-2012 01:33
Well yes. Well put too.
Jola Dziubinska31-Dec-2012 00:16
Beautiful cat, cool story. V.
janescottcumming30-Dec-2012 21:48
Pretty shot of this handsome guy. Sorry to hear he has disappeared. I liked your text from "The Little Prince". V
bill friedlander30-Dec-2012 19:45
He is a beautiful cat! Pity the he disappeared. Love the photograph! V
larose forest photos30-Dec-2012 19:14
It is a gorgeous photo, Karen. There is a wariness to his pose, but yet he is allowing you this much. I wonder what happened to him? I hope it was good, and not bad. VV
Colin Storey30-Dec-2012 16:59
Lovely image of this stray, hope he is ok somewhere. v
Jeff Real30-Dec-2012 14:50
Those eyes are fascinating ~V~
Tom LeRoy30-Dec-2012 14:41
What a beautiful cat, mysterious but friendly. The medium format B&W is a leg up on anything now a days. V
Guest 30-Dec-2012 13:23
Yeah, mysteries of cats lives. But he does look good on that sofa. V
Fong Lam30-Dec-2012 08:40
A wonderful monochrome image with excellent tones, love those eyes....V
Martin Lamoon30-Dec-2012 08:14
Wonderful. The cat looks so comfortable. v
borisalex30-Dec-2012 05:50
I like the words and its so true. A great time of year to reflect a bit and this shot does it in its strong composition so well! V.
Guest 30-Dec-2012 05:48
Looks great in bw... perfect tones and cat expression.... Happy New Year!
Bryan Murahashi30-Dec-2012 05:43
Beautiful glowing eyes.
Simon Chandler30-Dec-2012 04:07
Beautiful composition. Great clarity. v
sue anne30-Dec-2012 02:41
Beautiful cat and for a little bit, he looked like a prince.
John King30-Dec-2012 01:28
You captured the wariness perfectly with this portrait. A fine choice for best of 2012. V
Sheila30-Dec-2012 00:46
Oh isn't he beautiful with that long, soft fur. He has such a strange look, I think Alan was close when he called it melancholy. Excellent exposure, Karen.
I really like your commentary.
Frank Brault30-Dec-2012 00:39
A terrific portrait. Love those eyes. The composition and setting are marvelous, as are the tones. V
Randy Adams30-Dec-2012 00:35
Excellent composition Karen...almost camouflaged! V
Janet Donnelly30-Dec-2012 00:12
An exceptional photo that reminds me that everything is constantly changing!
Coleen Perilloux Landry29-Dec-2012 23:51
Very nice. Not easy to get the eyes of a black cat. Wonder why he left, looks like he had it good. Probably a hobo.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Dec-2012 23:33
But....lovely one! VVV
woody3429-Dec-2012 23:30
You will always wonder what happened, you have a great shot here though..V
Dennis Camp29-Dec-2012 21:55
Great eyes ...
Terry Sprague29-Dec-2012 21:50
Beautiful photograph, he looks so wistful, sorry you lost him. V
Alan K29-Dec-2012 21:10
Good shot; it captures a very melancholy expression, as if he knew that his ties there were transient as well.
globalgadabout29-Dec-2012 20:51
it does seem a tad wary, ensconced in the corner of the big chair...a likable rogue though...good point about establishing and maintaining ties, yet the solitary traveler demands respect as well..
Char29-Dec-2012 20:28
Love this shot, Karen! Excellent story to go with it that is so true! \/
Martin Wenzel29-Dec-2012 20:23
Great shot, Karen!
Helen Betts29-Dec-2012 20:19
It's a lovely photograph of your temporary little friend with great tones. I hope he found some place to stay. V.
Guest 29-Dec-2012 20:17
Splendid presentation! V.