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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Time >
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Photomatix Pro 2.1 HDR

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Bill Klein14-Nov-2012 15:31
Outstanding image, Graeme! BV!
Yiannis Pavlis26-Oct-2012 19:12
Excellent details and colors..Nice shot.V
Marisa Livet24-Oct-2012 19:00
A sumptuous image which convey perfectly the beauty of autumn palette
Steve Morris24-Oct-2012 12:10
Gorgeous Graeme1BV
s_barbour24-Oct-2012 12:00
Terrific colour saturation and a beautiful scene!
Randy Adams24-Oct-2012 11:43
wow...excellent fall capture Graeme! V
SLC_Images24-Oct-2012 06:01
You are really doing a great job of capturing an outstanding variety of fall settings!
Sarah Rehfeldt24-Oct-2012 02:20
Moss and shadow, excellent colors, lovely scene!
Jean Chiasson23-Oct-2012 22:53
Love the peaceful scene and colors Graeme vote
woody3423-Oct-2012 21:34
A beautiful scene, the autumn colours and textures are amazing..V
laine23-Oct-2012 21:28
strong tones to the beautiful autumnal scene
Fabienne23-Oct-2012 20:43
Les couleurs sont magnifiques et la composition est excellente.
Ken Duckert23-Oct-2012 20:16
Wonderful fall colors! Terrific image Graeme.
Colin Storey23-Oct-2012 19:43
Very well composed autumn scene. v
Helen Betts23-Oct-2012 19:36
Love that leading line of the wall and the saturated color! V.
John Reynolds LRPS23-Oct-2012 18:31
Well composed and great colours. V.
Patrick Goossens23-Oct-2012 18:29
That wall makes the picture awesome.V
joseantonio23-Oct-2012 16:26
Amazing image of this autumn scene...V.
Dan Greenberg23-Oct-2012 14:07
Takes my breath away! What great fall color and a great leading composition. ~BV~
Jim Coffman23-Oct-2012 13:21
Very wonderful fall capture,my friend!!
Guest 23-Oct-2012 13:15
Very beautiful work. V.
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