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Pierre | all galleries >> Galleries >> Paysages - Édifices - Transports > Un coin nature du Jardin japonais
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07-Oct-2012 Pierre Photographie

Un coin nature du Jardin japonais

Jardin botanique de Montréal, QC

Canon EOS 60D
1/6400s f/4.0 at 70.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pierreratte23-May-2013 17:32
Belle composition et bien vue Pierre Bravo
Jean D17-May-2013 02:19
Magnifique, entouré de tous ce joli feuillage, Pierre. ~V
Tom LeRoy09-May-2013 18:05
A beautiful scene, would be a fun place to visit. Excellet shot, Pierre! V
Pieter Bos11-Nov-2012 21:42
Great compo and colours! ~V
godro20-Oct-2012 13:55
Fabienne19-Oct-2012 19:29
Un jardin où il doit être très agréable de se promener. Tu l'as très joliment photographié et j'aime ce cadrage placé très bas.
Janet Forjan-Freedman19-Oct-2012 11:13
Looks like a very inviting area to explore. Well captured!
Réal Jauvin19-Oct-2012 00:43
Très belle composisition, bien vu Pierre!
Patricia Kay18-Oct-2012 22:15
Love the composition Pierre...BV
Nestor Derkach18-Oct-2012 16:36
Excellent nature scene with splendid point of view .
Excellent light and detail exceptional.
Walter Otto Koenig18-Oct-2012 15:34
Very well composed with this perspective and focal length. "V"
Guest 18-Oct-2012 12:48
Lovely little scene. Best J
Fong Lam18-Oct-2012 11:21
A very well composed scene with excellent clarity, Pierre...V
Guest 18-Oct-2012 10:43
So sharp and crisp. Lovely muted colors and interesting plant life.
larose forest photos18-Oct-2012 02:08
A very pretty and serene scene amongst all that aquatic vegetation. V
Jim Coffman18-Oct-2012 01:31
Amazing clarity!A fantastic image,Pierre!
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