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BeauxPoint Photography | all galleries >> 2012 Views of BeauxPoint >> September Folder of BeauxPoint > _MG_7961dawn.jpg
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A crisp cool morning today with the lake's surface beginning to cool and produce broken fog. A good sign that Fall is approaching soon. While this photo is facing West, the rising sun behind the Point's backyard mountian it casts a glow on the moisture behind the island with a reddish glow. The water level of the lake is now down about 8 feet and soon the water will drop to Winter's pool and maintance on the dock and shoreline can begin as we prepare for next year's Spring. Funnie how the Seasons blend into each other and the pattern of life comes full circle once again with just a few burps from time to time. Quietness and solitude will be the order of the day now until the migratory species arrive from Canada and the Northern parts of our Nation.

Canon EOS 40D
1/640s f/16.0 at 10.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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