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olivier bruning | all galleries >> Galleries >> Andaluza 2 > pier
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olivier bruning


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Fabienne25-Jan-2013 20:35
Les couleurs et la composition sont excellentes. C'est une très belle photo.
Steve Morris20-Sep-2012 14:04
So many layers and sharp from front to back - lovely view!BV
Jim's Atavistic Visions08-Sep-2012 20:30
So calm and beautiful!... Josefina
an N 07-Sep-2012 02:36
Beautiful composition .
Chris Spracklen06-Sep-2012 21:30
Ah, now I've been here, Oliver.
Great shot from this perspective! *V*
Superb definition.
Fong Lam06-Sep-2012 13:52
The water is so still and clear...lovely capture of this scenic view..V
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