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13-JUL-2012 Dick Keely

A Woman's Life

Mankessim Junction, Central Region, Ghana

Mankessim is village located in the Central Region of Ghana. It is located ~85 Km west of Accra on the main road to Sekondi-Takoradi. It is the traditional headquarters of the Fante community of Ghana. Mankessim's history is linked to three famed – warriors Obrumankoma, Odapagyan and Oson – who helped the people's migration from Takyiman in the current Brong Ahafo region to Adoagyir in the Central region. Mankessim is the traditional paramouncy for all the Fante-speaking people and is linked to the Nananom Pow (sacred grove) near Obidan. It has a market that attracts traders from Ghana and beyond. The village has a traditional security and militia organization, the Asafo companies, that has been in existence for many years. It has a number of cultural performing groups that helps to preserve and promote its rich cultural heritage. These group also cater for both local and foreign audience. It is also a home to a single community of mobile discos, popularly known as "spinners" in Ghana with the largest number of groups in the Central region.

Canon Powershot G12
1/1000s f/4.5 at 30.5mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Stuebing16-Aug-2012 22:57
Wonderful candid of this woman and baby that really illustrates the culture. V.
Christin Tröger16-Aug-2012 21:21
Beautiful candid.
laine16-Aug-2012 20:30
A great candid of this amazing woman and child
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