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Shayne | all galleries >> old_images >> P.E.N.A.T. >> old_images >> The Painted Sky > Aug 8 2012
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Aug 8 2012

This image published in Canadian Geographic Magazine

Canon PowerShot SX230 HS
1/800s f/5.0 at 35.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander31-Oct-2013 21:25
Bravo!!! V
McGarva07-Oct-2013 20:16
Beautiful image! :)
Anitta22-Aug-2013 19:43
How have I missed this one?? Extraordinary beauty. Speechless. V
Buz Kiefer05-Jun-2013 18:50
WOW! Very nice. Vote.
s_barbour02-Jun-2013 13:17
Wow Shayne, this is magnificent! I can certainly see how CG wanted to print is absolutely superb! Congratulations!
janescottcumming31-Aug-2012 01:01
Very cool! V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)09-Aug-2012 15:02
Shaded colour tones make this outstanding Shayne...
Neal Nye09-Aug-2012 10:56
Spectacular golden color. A wonderfully mysterious image!
Coleen Perilloux Landry09-Aug-2012 03:56
Shayne, print this on canvas. It is truly a great photo.