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reflectionsofnature | all galleries >> Dragonflies & Damselflies >> Clubtails (Gomphidae) > Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer)
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Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer)

Perched on a lilypad! This was something new for me and came unexpected. As I was wading through shallow water I noticed a couple clubtails flying around and perching on the lilypads in deeper water. I thought they were Horned Clubtails at first look, but when I got closer to them I saw the details of the last segment definitely weren't those of Horned Clubtail. After some research and examining some other photos I took I came to the conclusion that these were Lilypad Clubtails.

I was very lucky this individual came to perch close to me. There was the only spot in the entire area of lilypads, which extended quite a distance into the deeper water, that I was able to get close to because I was already at the max depth for my rubber boots and I was also at the edge of a rocky ledge in the water. There was a vertical drop one step ahead that seemed to descend to infinity. One step further and I would have been a shipwreck. There would have been no other way to get a photo of these guys without a boat, not even if I was willing to stand up to my neck in water because there was no bottom to stand on one step ahead!

Canon EOS 7D ,Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM
1/250s f/11.0 at 187.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Linda & Pär Johansson24-Jun-2012 20:38
Outstanding image! V
larose forest photos24-Jun-2012 18:20
It was definitely your day! This guy is gorgeous!! And your photos show off the details and colours beautifully. Congratulations!! VV
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