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A Piece of History - PT 728

This PT boat was traveling the Erie Canal from the Hudson River to it's new home at the Liberty Aviation Museum in Port Clinton, Ohio.

I heard it was in the area on last night's news but it wasn't until this morning that I heard it was 40 miles west of here in Medina. By the time I was ready to leave the house this morning, it was already after 10 AM and I thought it would be west of Lockport, NY and I would miss it altogether but as luck would have it and thanks to some "driving savvy" I caught up with it just west of the Lockport locks after about Noon.

Good thing it takes the locks some time to fill or empty or I would have missed it altogether :-)

PT 728 is one of just four wartime PT boats that are still seaworthy.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
January Grey04-Jul-2012 02:23
a timely capture! nice vantage point!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)29-Jun-2012 23:04
Nice catch of this piece of special naval history Patti.
(I Googled it and all four were in the possession of one owner.)
Tom Munson26-Jun-2012 00:07
Way to go Pattie! Great capture!!
Chris Spracklen25-Jun-2012 19:03
Good to see your work again, Patti.
Thanks for the info, too.
Jim Coffman25-Jun-2012 18:50
Wow, what a great capture!!
Ron Gile25-Jun-2012 05:41
Very cool shot and narrative. Really neat to pre plan a shot and have it all work out. Fun stuff.
Jean D24-Jun-2012 23:27
WOW! Superb historical capture!! Your driving savvy was well worth it, Patti. ~V
Guest 24-Jun-2012 15:38
They took a lot of loss' in the Pacific Theater, but they also sank a lot of Japanese tonnage. Nice image of this stripped down version of a PT Boat....
Ed Preston24-Jun-2012 11:55
With a little imagination you can see a 109 on it and JFK at the wheel! Thanks for taking the time and making the effort Patti!
Bryan Murahashi24-Jun-2012 04:31
A nice capture of this piece of history. V
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