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chris morton | all galleries >> Warwickshire & Oxfordshire >> Oxford pbase mini-meet + Kingham, Oxfordshire > Radcliffe Camera
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09-Jun-2012 chris morton

Radcliffe Camera

The ultimate wedding cake baroque. Gibb's interiors can be really beautiful , eg St Mary's in the Strand & St Martin in the fields...and I dare say this. However it seems he was shortlisted up against Hawkesmoor and maybe thought a good dolop of fashion prudent

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Spracklen22-Jun-2012 12:38
Terrific shot of this iconic building, Chris. *V*
woody3417-Jun-2012 03:49
What fantastic architecture ,,does look like a wedding cake...the lighting and detail are great..
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE316-Jun-2012 16:17
Great light on the building and well done for not having the railings in!
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