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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fleurs sauvages et couleurs - Wildflower and colors > Rose / Pink / Rosa /
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Rose / Pink / Rosa /

Pentax K20D
1/800s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

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Nestor Derkach10-Jun-2012 13:40
A wonderful floral portrait. really amazing in original.
Vote 10+
Simon Chandler09-Jun-2012 23:04
Wonderful. A cheerful composition. v
Vince09-Jun-2012 13:54
Excellent close up shot. Lovely colors and great clarity. Vote.
marko gregoric09-Jun-2012 07:46
Stunning colors. V
Fong Lam09-Jun-2012 05:28
Wow, such brilliant colors and details, Jean...well done! V
Patricia Kay08-Jun-2012 20:01
Gorgeous rose image Jean...BV
Colin Storey08-Jun-2012 19:53
Fantastic colours and details. v
Hank Vander Velde08-Jun-2012 18:01
Beautiful vivid close-up image Jean.
Vickie BROWN08-Jun-2012 16:02
Brilliant and beautiful colours, this is really neat Jean!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal08-Jun-2012 06:56
Wonderful image with fantastic colors!!
NealyBob08-Jun-2012 06:45
What a beauty~! Very sharp and colorful~!V
Zoltán Balogh08-Jun-2012 06:33
Marvellous and full of life! V
joseantonio08-Jun-2012 05:30
Lovely details and colors
Marcia Colelli08-Jun-2012 02:06
Beautiful color and details V
Pierre08-Jun-2012 01:57
Elle est absolument magnifique et les détails sont superbes! V
Graeme08-Jun-2012 00:34
What a gorgeous flower, Jean. BV
Stephanie07-Jun-2012 23:04
Superbe colors and textures Jean! This is so beautiful! V
Karen Stuebing07-Jun-2012 22:13
A lovely deep almost purple shade of pink on this beautiful flower. Super detail and love that yellow center. V.
Helen Betts07-Jun-2012 21:34
Love that brilliant color, Jean, and the excellent detail in the center. V.
Walter Otto Koenig07-Jun-2012 21:06
A vibrant beauty Jean. Great clarity. "V"