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The Original of the Species

I see Olympus have released a new digital version of their OM cameras like they did with the PEN. It too is a micro 4/3 camera so seeing as I already have the EP1, I won't be tempted to buy it, not even out of nostalgia.
My first DSL was an OM10 and I used it for over 15 years before first getting a digital compact and then a DSLR.
This is my trusty OM10 with its dented lens, the result of a close encounter with a granite step outside a wedding.
Looking at it now, it clearly needs a bit of TLC, a new battery and a role of film.

Nikon D7000
1/80s f/7.1 at 50.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy13-May-2012 08:11
Great memories, Mairead. I would never give this camera up! But got to say I really like the OM-D. Still got a roll of film in my Trip 35.. V
Peter Sussex12-May-2012 17:22
Old objects always have charm, just like this friend of the past. V
LynnH12-May-2012 13:59
I had several great Olympus cameras, too. Sigh, how times have changed. I've been enjoying Karen Stuebing's film shots this month... now you've made me feel even more nostalgic. :) LOL the good old days. V
Barry S Moore12-May-2012 11:43
I Have an OM1 - still with a working mercury battery which you can no longer buy. I loved the challenge of a good composition and exposure in a slide film. You had to wait 2-3 weeks for the results and then check your notes to see if your exposure was spot on or needed adjustement the next time. Lots of fun spent setting up the shots - every shot was special and you didn't want to waste film needlessly.
Neal Nye12-May-2012 10:54
I had a couple Olympus cameras too. Beautifully engineered machines!
globalgadabout12-May-2012 03:06
a roll of film for sure...this looks a reliable unit, well worth taking out is still a viable option as Karen proves so regularly..
exzim12-May-2012 02:30
They were a wonderful camera
Frank Brault12-May-2012 00:34
A gorgeous classic. V
Brian Samuel11-May-2012 23:11
Practically vintage. You must give it another whirl.
tinkerb11-May-2012 22:43
Get to it ! I have been having a lot of fun putting films in old cameras - last year I bought an Olympus Trip always wanted one and couldn't afford it- I was pleased with the results
Karen Stuebing11-May-2012 22:33
Super photo of this classic. At least film cameras could take a beating. I still have my Olympus C5050Z. V.
John Reynolds LRPS11-May-2012 22:09
Looks great. A classic. V.
Al Chesworth11-May-2012 21:38
Have a couple of rolls of velvia in the freezer.
Phillip Normanton11-May-2012 21:24
A winding handle too - how quaint :o))
laine11-May-2012 21:21
I am eternally grateful for digital...processing was such a trauma :) However they were built like tanks and equally impossible to fully destroy :)
christopheru11-May-2012 20:54
Very nice - I too have a soft spot for Olympus but won't buy any of their current stuff sadly - I am holding out for the mythical E-7 :) Great slr that you have there.
Stephanie11-May-2012 20:51
Such wonderful memories and image Mairead! V
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