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Centaurus A with correct MPCC spacing

Test image of Centaurus A taken with the QSI 683wsg-8. This is only a stack of 4x10min luminance frames and one each of 200s in RGB.

As the image shows, compared with the first tests stars are now very close to being evenly focused from edge to edge.
I calculated that I needed a 6mm T spacer in order to bring the Baader MPCC to 55mm from the CCD chip. But it turned out to still need about 0.5mm more which I added temporarily by cutting a thin plastic wafer and fitting it on the thread of the 6mm spacer.

There is still evidently a bit of guiding inaccuracy to deal with. I suspect upgrading my old standard Losmandy RA/DEC worms on the G11 will help with this.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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