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Mike Reshitnyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fun With Snowy Owls - Ravissements avec les harfangs > Sunset Surprise - Backlit Snowy Owl
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Sunset Surprise - Backlit Snowy Owl

The gods have to be on our side to align bird, pose, sun and light for a shot like this.

I understand that not everone in Quebec's bird photography world enjoys this type of lighting, but after thousands of shots in standard light, it's fun to try something different and deviate from the norm. This kind of shot will probably be more appreciated by people in the arts community. I don't know how much longer my mangled knees will permit me to chase after these magic moments :-)

Also, I've been influenced by my painter wife and good friend and world-class wildlife photographer Andy Rouse the last couple of years.

Canon 7D with the 500L f4 lens handheld at 1/1000, f4, ISO 400, +1 1/3 exposure compensation. No crop.

I selectively enhanced the orangy colour from the sun (in the upper left of the image) in the sky that was slightly blown out by the sensor. Two small branches clonned away at the bottom centre of the image, but for the purist, they could have probably stayed without much distraction.



other sizes: small medium original auto
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Herve Foltz14-Mar-2012 17:07
The fire and the ice : a fantastic confrontation for the eyes!
Jean Chiasson06-Mar-2012 21:35
Bravo Mike splendid shot vote
Michel Pagé04-Mar-2012 12:41
Super photo, bravo Mike !
Guest 03-Mar-2012 16:12
Très belle photo Mike avec un timing parfait et des couleurs superbes. Du beau travail! Bravo
Eric Martin02-Mar-2012 22:30
PFFFFFFFFFFFF c'est quoi cette image là... :-)))) c'est de toute beauté MIke...Bravo!!
Eric Martin02-Mar-2012 22:14
PFFFFFFFFFFFF c'est quoi cette image là... :-)))) c'est de toute beauté MIke...Bravo!!
pierreratte02-Mar-2012 20:55
Merveilleux Mike, une superbe de belle capture j'aime les couleurs chaudes, Bravo
gilles Tardif02-Mar-2012 12:01
Très beau Harfang en action dans un couché de soleil magnifique, bravo Mike
jychamberland02-Mar-2012 00:53
éblouissante image , bravo Mike!
Jean-François Boutet01-Mar-2012 23:46
La couleur de l'oiseau sur ce fond doré, quel délice pour les yeux!
Chuck Kling01-Mar-2012 23:12
Lise De Serres01-Mar-2012 17:36
De toute beauté!
The Ellisons01-Mar-2012 15:25
Wow Mike, congratulations on this amazing shot, just absolutely perfect!! A+
Bill Chitty01-Mar-2012 15:22
What a capture! Simply incredible.
Tracy Howell01-Mar-2012 15:15
Stunning image. V