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LynnH | all galleries >> HISTORIC TEXAS >> TEXAS HERITAGE ~ TRAIL RIDES > Prairie View Trail Rider
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25-FEB-2012 LynnH

Prairie View Trail Rider

Houston, Texas

Burglars made off with equipment stored in horse trailers, putting the Prairie View Trail Ride in jeopardy for Houston inner-city kids.
Youth Outdoor Unity had planned to take 50 kids from poor neighborhoods on the ride, but had to turn away many of them.
The thieves made off with tents, sleeping bags and horse-riding equipment.

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Julie Oldfield24-Feb-2013 16:47
I am glad some still could participate. Very nice candid.
Mike H.29-Feb-2012 02:51
A lot to see and like in this image. What got my attention first was the red hat;
then the other red trappings. I wondered about "Old Glory", but then saw it was
another flag with writing on it -- probably a commemorative for the trail ride. The
rider in the red jacket might be the girl's father with that protective gaze. The horses
and the other riders are all sharp. Love the hats. A successful image IMHO, Lynn!