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Ken Chambers ARPS | all galleries >> Photographs of Colchester Events >> Winter into Spring 2012 > St Peter's Church North Hill Colchester.
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St Peter's Church North Hill Colchester.

Make sure you view the pictures in *original* size for the sharpest image (see size-options under each photo)!


Canon EOS 50D
1/160s f/5.0 at 17.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sandi Whitteker31-Jan-2012 15:39
Excellent perspective and mood.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)29-Jan-2012 23:38
Good selective focus Ken, excellent perspective....
Chris Spracklen29-Jan-2012 22:17
Great angle and perspective, Ken.
A fine start to this new gallery.
Patricia Kay29-Jan-2012 22:17
Great the mist Ken...BV
Guest 29-Jan-2012 21:24
what a mysterious sight... nice mist here, V
Johnnie Rogers 29-Jan-2012 21:24
Love the perspective with the mist and dew clinging to the cobwebs, quite atmospheric