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Photomatix Pro 4.1 HDR

Lower Slaughter, Gloucestershire

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Colin Storey21-Jan-2012 10:09
Superb image Graeme. v
Alain Boussac21-Jan-2012 08:02
Excellent POV, composition, and tones, Graeme. V.
January Grey21-Jan-2012 07:28
A stunning composition, Graeme! V~
Marcia Colelli21-Jan-2012 02:33
Wonderful details and colors in the lovely capture V
an nguyen21-Jan-2012 02:18
Painterly beautiful .
NealyBob21-Jan-2012 01:41
Another excellent view of this beautiful place Graeme~! ~V
Simon Chandler20-Jan-2012 22:24
Excellent composition with great lead-in lines and curves. Appealing tone. v
Guest 20-Jan-2012 22:19
Beautiful image of my favorite country scenes..V
Guest 20-Jan-2012 20:56
Wonderful work. V.
Frank Kavanagh Photography20-Jan-2012 18:54
Another beautiful shot Graeme.V.
I love the clarity of the water.V.
Mike H.20-Jan-2012 17:45
Every square centimeter of it -- beautiful, Graeme!
(We can see them all, thanks to you.)
Jess. ( Lady.D.)20-Jan-2012 16:22
Love the POV on this Graeme and the water reflections...
slhoornstra20-Jan-2012 16:04
An exquisite capture. V
Fong Lam20-Jan-2012 15:50
Excellent perspective and lovely colors, Graeme! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Jan-2012 14:58
What a beautiful catch! V
Jim Coffman20-Jan-2012 13:43
Another wonderful image,Graeme! Outstanding work...
John Hamers20-Jan-2012 13:36
Wonderful perspective and nicely composed !! V
Char20-Jan-2012 13:19
Very striking, Graeme! Love the 3-D vines on the side. \/
Tom LeRoy20-Jan-2012 13:06
Nice composition with the small street curving with the water through the entire image! Well done!V!
Martin Lamoon20-Jan-2012 12:19
A wonderful place to just let time go by. Great composition with the water curving in the lower corner. V
Neal Nye20-Jan-2012 12:06
A very pleasant image. Those reflections are so nice.
LynnH20-Jan-2012 11:59
Love that curve running through the composition! Of course, your light and color are perfect too! V
Gary Hebert20-Jan-2012 11:42
excellent pov Graeme... love the colors ... BV.
Vickie BROWN20-Jan-2012 11:27
Superb image with gorgeous autumn tones!
Blandine Mangin20-Jan-2012 11:23
superb compo ! v
Randy Adams20-Jan-2012 11:06
Beautiful lane Graeme! have a good visit! V
woody3420-Jan-2012 10:41
Beautiful image, wonderful details and tones.
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