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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> MOROCCO 2010 & 2011 >> MOROCCO - VARIOUS B&W > Medina of Fez
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©2011 Tomasz Dziubinski

Medina of Fez

Fez, Morocco

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jim Coffman14-Jan-2012 13:36
A very nice candid !
Graeme14-Jan-2012 13:14
An excellent capture of this candid scene in mono, Tomasz.V
CM Kwan14-Jan-2012 12:13
Outstanding compositon and framing, Tomasz! V
Hans Koot14-Jan-2012 07:38
a beautiful b&w street
Terry McManus14-Jan-2012 03:45
Tomaz, wonderful!!!!! -V-
FrankB14-Jan-2012 03:10
excellent mono street scene....V
Maja Waiss14-Jan-2012 02:50
Great! V