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Marco Valk | all galleries >> Galleries >> autumn colors >
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Canon EOS-1D Mark III
0.60s f/7.1 at 38.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
marko gregoric25-Dec-2011 13:43
Superb autumn shot. V
Jeff Real24-Dec-2011 15:12
Remarkable and quite beautiful ~V~
Fong Lam24-Dec-2011 01:21
Beautiful scene nicely captured, Marco...V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)23-Dec-2011 17:58
Gorgeous shot, beautifully balanced and great detail....
Hank Vander Velde23-Dec-2011 13:00
A BEAUTIFUL Autumn image Marco.
CM Kwan23-Dec-2011 12:27
This is so beautiful, Marco! Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! V
Jim Coffman22-Dec-2011 19:55
Very lovely image,Marco!
fotabug22-Dec-2011 19:25
Pretty scene. What is that on the left?
Guest 22-Dec-2011 18:13
Heel sfeervol Marco.
Blandine Mangin22-Dec-2011 18:07
beautiful mood ! v
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