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Patricia Kay | all galleries >> Galleries >> Stockholm....An afternoon at Skansen... > too cold to get out of the water!
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10-NOV-2011 Patricia Kay

too cold to get out of the water!


Hope you all have a great weekend...
Expect you all to be busy with holiday too!
Thank you all so much for your visits and kind words...

Canon EOS Rebel T2i ,Sigma 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS
1/125s f/11.0 at 179.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tom LeRoy20-Dec-2011 07:33
Nice capture, excellent comp. V
shatterbug19-Dec-2011 09:46
Poor thing...I like the way he is framed by the rocks!
Fong Lam19-Dec-2011 05:56
Nice timing and great capture, Patricia...V
January Grey19-Dec-2011 03:24
great timing to catch this one, Patricia. I'd stay in the water too! Nice shot! V~
PauloCGama19-Dec-2011 02:56
Ah, perfect timing and title Patricia. Love it.
s_barbour19-Dec-2011 02:48
What a cutie, terrific find Patricia!
Graeme18-Dec-2011 23:00
This is a lovely capture, Patricia.BV
Lennart Waara18-Dec-2011 16:26
A wonderful portrait!
Pierre18-Dec-2011 13:49
Excellent shot Patricia! V
Vickie BROWN18-Dec-2011 13:21
Great timing you captured the beautiful image Patricia! V
marko gregoric18-Dec-2011 08:36
Excellent shot. V
Nestor Derkach17-Dec-2011 21:47
Caption perfect for the lovely image.
Very nice point of view.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography17-Dec-2011 19:18
Good shot, Vote :)
Patrick Goossens17-Dec-2011 14:57
Lovely that light coloured head between the dark rocks
marie-jose wolff17-Dec-2011 13:07
what e nice encounter! V
CM Kwan17-Dec-2011 13:04
What an amazing shot, Pat! V
Jeff Real17-Dec-2011 12:55
A very wonderful capture, Patricia ~V~
Sam Rua17-Dec-2011 10:09
Very nice comp, Patricia.
Stephanie17-Dec-2011 09:44
Cute capture Patricia! Have a great weekend! V
globalgadabout17-Dec-2011 04:04
great light on the seal, and delicious muted light on the rocky setting...factor in the subtle colour-lozenges in the water and this is a phenomenal image...V
Hank Vander Velde17-Dec-2011 02:30
Nice head shot Patricia. Have a great weekend.
Guest 17-Dec-2011 01:35
Great to see. Well seen and captured, Patricia.
Colin Storey16-Dec-2011 23:26
Fantastic seal shot, great image. v
Guest 16-Dec-2011 22:28
A walrus? I hope so, love 'em. Speckled and all.
Ann...16-Dec-2011 20:53
Lovely shot.
Walter Otto Koenig16-Dec-2011 20:37
A wonderful capture Patricia. Very nice timing. "V"
Johnny JAG16-Dec-2011 19:53
Super shot, gets my seal of approval.
rousselziak16-Dec-2011 19:45
Beautiful shot Patricia ! -V-
Jim Coffman16-Dec-2011 18:13
Very nice capture,Patricia!!
joseantonio16-Dec-2011 18:11
Very nice capture
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