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sonia sorgiovanni 11-Dec-2011 05:48
oh, I love that look on Franco's face.....beautiful, love you guys
Sahaja 06-Dec-2011 23:47
Oh I thought it looked like i was thinking about devouring him and he was getting a bit scared (LOL!)
bill friedlander04-Dec-2011 15:16
Delightful warm expressions. Great timing to catch the interaction. Beautiful double portrait. V
Nestor Derkach04-Dec-2011 14:36
Great dual monochrome portrait, he seems to be stunned by her beauty.
A great photograph!!!
Guest 04-Dec-2011 11:40
wonderful luster on the pearls that encapsulates her radiant smile and his look of....astonishment be basking in it.
Guest 04-Dec-2011 10:33
Beautiful capture Dafna.. love the expressions. V
Guest 04-Dec-2011 06:10
Magnificent expressions! The moment so well captured and presented! ~V
marko gregoric04-Dec-2011 05:30
Very, very good shot. V
Neil Marcus04-Dec-2011 04:36
Great interaction. I'll bet they enjoyed the result.
an nguyen04-Dec-2011 03:46
Beautiful , sincere work .
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